csh - simple helper for urxvt This shell script provides quick SSH shortcuts, and displays a configurable terminal background color while connected.
SMS Notifications with Perl and Twilio Twilio is beyond useful, and easy to integrate. It's one of those tools that, once you get started, you just can't stop using it. You can add SMS Notifications and password resets to your existing application in an afternoon.
Auto-generate a Database Schema Diagram When building a web application, I always create a URL endpoint that generates a database schema diagram on the fly. This is a quick reference item that never gets old.
Trac Install Guide Trac has been around for a long time. I was using it before git existed. It's been stable and reliable all this time. Unlike all the big bloated tools out there these days like GitLab and Jira, Trac runs quite well on the cheapest virtual servers you can rent.