Ghost Custom Theme Development, Deployment and Maintenance This post serves as a guide and discussion of my current approach to the Ghost theme for this and other websites. Low maintenance is my objective with this approach.
Apache mod_fcgid, Missing Environment Variables, and INITENV_CNT Environment variables missing for your Apache mod_fcgid app? Me too! Here's the card coded limits of mod_fcgid for environment variables and how to deal with them.
Open Source, Ownership, Trust and Sabatoge The tech press is angry at @marak. They should instead be disappointed with Microsoft.
In the weeds with logging micro optimization Great code provides detailed logging output during development. Generating this output isn't free, that's why it's usually turned off. But even when inactive, the debug logging code will have a non zero performance impact. Let's explore a few ways this can be approached and optimized.
Ghost Custom Themes with Docker This guide covers a simple approach to deploy ghost with docker and a custom theme.
Thanks for sharing, Spotify Spotify collects a ton of interesting data. I appreciate the occasional interesting ways they share it.
Backup email accounts automatically with offlineimap Use offlineimap to automatically sync your email account data for backup. Set up time, 10 minutes.
So far so Ghost This website lives on a docker host in my office closet. The theme is the official Journal theme, slightly modified.
Perl 5.30 deprecates use of my() in a false conditional Perl 5.30.0 is released. With it comes a breaking change for me. It has been a long time since I've faced a breaking change with perl.
csh - simple helper for urxvt This shell script provides quick SSH shortcuts, and displays a configurable terminal background color while connected.